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“Fran” is a classic and quick CrossFit WOD that combines thrusters and pull-ups. Here’s the structure: “Fran” For time: • 21-15-9 reps of: • Thrusters (95 pounds for males, 65 pounds for females) • Pull-Ups Tips: 1. Fast-Paced Intensity: “Fran” is designed to be a sprint. Approach it with a high-intensity mindset and aim for quick transitions between thrusters and pull-ups. 2. Thruster Technique: Focus on proper thruster technique to maximize efficiency. Maintain a straight bar path and use your hip drive to power the movement. 3. Kipping Pull-Ups: If proficient in kipping, use this technique for pull-ups to conserve energy and maintain a faster pace. 4. Breathing Control: Manage your breathing during thrusters and pull-ups. Quick, controlled breaths can help you maintain a steady rhythm. Benchmarks: Completing the workout within 5-8 minutes is a common goal. Elite athletes may aim for sub-3 minute times.
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